Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Delayed Gratification

Lately I’ve been reading a book by Bill Hybels entitled who you are when no one’s looking and it’s opened my eyes to most of my short comings in my life so just wanted to share the part that stood out for me and how it relates to my life. Wikipedia defines delayed gratification generally as the act  associated with resisting a smaller but more immediate reward in order to receive a larger or more enduring reward later, with that said if your close to me then you basically know what I want to become but the thing is all this time I have been praying and just waiting for the miracle to fall on my lap without doing the work that would make my dream a possibility. Usually we fall in love with certain things that take our breath away but we then fall victims to our own laziness or depression because we don’t know how we will achieve what we think is so out of reach.

The first thing that should spar us on is the love its self for whatever we want to be, where ever we want to go, instead of looking at the problem we should find the solution, in my case I need to be physically fit in order to do what I love but when the morning comes and I have to go for my morning jog then my inner battle starts to rage, the sheets are too comfy I tell myself, just ten more minutes, or better yet I went yesterday so I guess I can rest today but that’s where we need delayed gratification, the discipline to say to our bodies, whatever situation where in, you know what I have to go through this jog so I reap what I sow, I have to work harder so I can go for that trip that I want to go so bad, don’t let the situation rule you find a solution and start on the path to implement it.

Last but not least and this is the most important thing I have learnt, no situation is bigger than God, trust in him to lead you, to give you strength when your body fails you, when your making excuses, let him handle the bigger problems just do your part. The world lucks dreamers, don’t be afraid to dream, take steps each day to make what is a dream a reality, never settle for second best, push through and work hard and some day it will dawn and you will find that you are the person you were dreaming of......apply delayed gratification in your life....I am.

So leaving you with song its playful and livens up my mood when am blessed people.

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