Sunday, 23 December 2012

COME FORTH NEW YEAR’s a beautiful thing, the uncertainty that comes with each day, the preciousness of your next breath, quantifiable in words or numbers.

Time spent trying to find meaning in our existence, dreams sparing us on to the finish line that is a smile that might just last more than a minute.

So this year has come to an end and hopes that should have bore fruit are still clinging to the branch that is my heart, like a tree my roots are still planted strongly in the ground, my faith food to the leaves that are my hopes, life with a prayer that soon they will create a shade strong enough for those I love, that is what I seek.

So come forth new year, hold my hand and lead me to that finish line and although I know this journey will be long and hard, nothing worthwhile comes easy, one thing I have learnt is that good things come to those who wait......on GOD, so I will wait.

PS: dear reader it’s been a long year full of huddles, some I jumped over and some I fell, perfection isn’t in me or us but still I search for it, that the day might come when reality is a mirror image of my’s something worth waking up to, and I hope that as your year ends your heart is content. If not push on like I am.........soon something will change.
                                                        Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

writers block

All good things come to those who wait..........on GOD. If you ever find something that makes you smile, laugh and sometimes cry because it’s the perfect definition of the word truly is a gift from the Heavens. It seems that each day that goes by am learning to be more appreciative of the things I have at this very moment am not where I want to be but am glad that am not where I was.

I wish I could write words every time that would keep you glued to this screen, but I guess there some parts of this story that are yet to be written, yet to be understood before laying them down onto this, seems am starting to bubble so will end this entry here, just thought I would update my blog.